Professional home inspectors should carry modern equipment in their tool bags. This professional home inspection equipment should be of high quality and well maintained. Our team at Effective Home Inspections of Tennessee works hard to keep our home inspection equipment modern.
We use modern equipment, including some pieces that go beyond the standards of practice from NAACHI. We try to use the most modern equipment possible to ensure we get very detailed results in our home inspection report.
Electrical Outlet Tester
One of the most important pieces of electrical equipment I use is an electrical outlet tester. A good outlet tester is a key component of every home inspection tool kit. These devices test outlets for power and for a few key problems outlets sometimes have.
I use an outlet tester that tests 120V AC outlets for 6 different wiring functions. With me as your home inspector, you’ll be able to see whether each of your outlets is operating at peak functionality.
I test for open ground, open neutral, open hot, hot and grounded reversed, hot and grounded neutral reversed, and correctly wired.
Many of these conditions have the potential to be a fire and electrical hazard. This is a must-have piece of electrical equipment to carry while completing a home inspection.
Circuit Tester
I highly recommend that homeowners have one of the devices as well. A circuit tester can easily be touched to an electrical panel or conductor wire to determine if voltage is present. I often find energized wires that have not been properly terminated. Sometimes I also find electrical cabinets that have a mounting screw pierced through an energized conductor.
Electrical hazards exist throughout the home. That’s why inspectors, as well as homeowners, need a simple, quick way to determine if voltage exists without touching.
Simply touch the plastic tip to a wire or outlet. If the tip glows red and the unit beeps, then AC voltage is present. 5.5” long, includes pocket clip.
An AFCI/GFCI outlet tester is a diagnostic and safety tool that’s necessary in my line of work. Electricians and maintenance Pros depend on these devices as well in their daily occupation.
The ISHN reports that arc faults account for at least 30,000 fires in the U.S. alone. The problem poses a significant risk, both to property and life. In fact, it is because of this risk that AFCI breakers became a standard part of the NEC in 1999. Those rules expanded further in 2008 and 2014.
Digital Multimeter
A digital multimeter is a handy tool for quickly measuring voltage, resistance, and current in many types of electrical circuits. These tools aren’t necessary, but they can be a very helpful tool when conducting home inspections. Once you understand what the various symbols on the dial stand for, it’s easy to use a digital multimeter. This is a must-have piece of electrical equipment to carry while completing a home inspection.
Combustible Gas Detector
Typically a person can smell most combustible gases such as methane, butane, and propane. For safety, I still try my best to detect trace amounts of those toxic gases, but these conditions can quickly change. Always beware of changes in your health and environment. Be sure to call your local gas supplier if you suspect any concerns of a combustible gas in your home.
Carbon Monoxide Analyzer
Knowledge can save a life. Oil and gas furnaces are great inventions. They efficiently heat our homes, but when something goes wrong with them, our environment can become dangerous to live in. When gas, air, and fire are mixed, you must do it right.
I try my best to locate areas of concern during a home inspection, but these conditions can quickly change.
Once you’re exposed to a combustible gas, your body doesn’t have a natural way to detox your system. That is why it’s critical to ensure that your home has the proper safety devices installed. With the proper safety devices in your home, you’ll have peace of mind knowing your home is free of toxic gases. Learn more about combustion spillage here.
Moisture Meter
Water stains may appear to be inactive at the time of the inspection. That is why moisture stains should be viewed as active leaks until they prove themselves otherwise. The moisture content of wood varies and depends on the relative humidity of the air. Typically, moisture levels for interior applications will range from 5% – 10%, and exterior applications will range from 11% – 16%.
The moisture content of wood is determined by the air temperature and relative moisture. The moisture meter allows me to measure the moisture level in a dry area versus a suspected area of high moisture. It is better to identify and address any elevated moisture levels in the house earlier rather than later. This helps to avoid poor air quality problems in the future.
Infrared Thermometers
Handheld Infrared (IR) thermometers are used in many industries. They are one of the most valuable home inspector tools available. This includes the home inspection industry. Handheld IR thermometers measure surface temperatures rapidly at a safe distance.
Elevated temperature can be the first sign of trouble for mechanical equipment, electrical circuits, and building systems. Probe thermometers and infrared cameras detect heat via infrared (IR) technology.
Any equipment that heats cools, and/or uses electrical components can be an electrical or fire hazard. This is especially true if their heating or cooling systems are not working properly. This modern technology helps the home inspector detect potential safety and fire hazards. These are serious problems you’ll want to make sure you fix before moving your family into your dream home.
Professional Home Inspection Equipment for East Tennessee
Continuous Radon Monitors
The radon levels in Tennessee are above average in many areas of the state. Some counties see 16% – 40% of homes with elevated levels. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has established a threshold for whether you’d need to take action to reduce radon in a home.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), radon causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States (U.S.). and in the U.S., radon is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer after cigarette smoking. Mitigation techniques are available which are typically effective.
I would strongly recommend ordering a radon test with your home inspection in Kingsport TN or even your home inspection in Johnson City TN. This is crucial to let you, as the homebuyer, know what kind of condition your potential home is in. Effective Home Inspections of Tennessee, LLC is a certified radon test provider.
We use RADSTAR continuous Radon monitors that supplies our clients with the most comprehensive radon tests available. Our Radon gas detector monitors humidity, temperature, pressure, power, and movement. This ensures your radon gas survey is completed under the best possible conditions.